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Let's be honest, most women did NOT receive adequate education or initiation into the power and potential that exists within our female bodies and cycles. We've been taught to emulate power from a masculine perspective, toughen up, over-ride or even disregard our feminine nature as weakness.

But what if I told you that as a woman, you have an incredibly powerful resource within you.

Something that can increase your productivity, creativity, fertility, empower you to be more successful in your business, develop better relationships AND cultivate higher levels of vitality and wellbeing in your life?

​​This is groundbreaking stuff and should be recommended learning for all women. I feel so much more deeply connected to my body and much more equipped to listen to the changes it goes through so I can look after and nurture myself as needed. I can’t recommend this work enough, there’s something so powerful about sitting in circle with like minded women and journeying together. You will learn so much from your sisters and they will be fierce cheerleaders – allowing you to be seen, authentic and raw. After doing Queendom I feel like I’ve uncovered a new layer to my self awareness which will support me in my achieving my goals while staying connected to myself and grounded in my body.’


-Amy (Dancer / Educator) @some_souls_crave_dance

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'Queendom' is a Feminine Leadership & Wellness program that is designed to revolutionize the way you live, love and lead as a creative, entrepreneurial woman.

A uniquely female centered coaching system, 'Queendom' will transform your leadership approach as a woman and support you to become the most expansive, authentic and empowered version of yourself.

Throughout this 9 week journey you'll learn how to optimize the natural intelligence of your female body and structure your lifestyle in a way that works WITH rather than AGAINST your unique cyclical energy system.

Combining both contemporary Health Science, Somatic Psychology and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, with Sacred Female Embodiment Yoga, Meditation and Ancient Fertility Dance. 

The program takes you an a transformational journey of upleveling your well-being, mastering your mindset and embodying your most vibrant, confident, sexy self. All whilst being held, supported and championed by an incredible community of heart centred women!

Three Women





'Queendom' is for the woman who is......

  • Dealing with burnout, emotional overwhelm and stress

  • Experiencing a lack of clarity, confidence, self-worth and support

  • Feeling disconnected from her feminine sensuality, sexuality and vitality

  • Ready to heal and release blocked emotions and trauma

  • Wanting to increase her fertility, libido & pleasure

  • Struggling with hormonal imbalance, PMS, PCOS & menstrual pain


Queendom is here to shift the paradigm of sustainable success and leadership for entrepreneurial women and to help you navigate our lives and businesses in a way that prioritizes well-being and values the full spectrum experience of womanhood.


What you will receive;


✨   5 x Queendom handbooks full of educational resources and coaching modules that will equip you with knowledge, tools and systems that will empower you for LIFE


✨   4 Mini Masterclasses initiating you into the 4 unique phases of your menstrual cycle and the 4 unique archetypes of feminine power: Priestess (Menstruation), Boss Queen (Follicular), Wild Woman (Luteal) and Seductress (Ovulation).


✨   Access to an online portal of home practices, complete with curated playlists and audio / visual guides of 4 x 1hr sacred female embodiment yoga, meditation and healing dance practices designed specifically to support you in each phase of your menstrual cycle (See below)


✨   9 x weekly mastermind sessions and online group coaching calls to help you to integrate the training, receive the transformation and apply the knowledge


✨   Life-time connection to a team of like-minded, powerhouse, creative women supporting you, celebrating you and sharing the journey with you via our private FB group.

'The insights and tools I gained through Queendom are exponential in value and I believe that what I gained will be an asset to my well-being for the rest ofmy life! It was ground breaking to discover the true value and meaning of my own wise, feminine cyclic nature on a much deeper level than I could have imagined and to have the opportunity to shift my mindset and embodied experience.

For me, this work represents a paradigm revolution for women who want to redefine sovereignty and embody true feminine wisdom. I believe that through this process, empowered women can bring unimaginable value to the broader community. I feel confident to say that the modern world has a lot to gain from this information. 

I experienced Queendom as a cohesive body of work that completely reframed my relationship to myself as a woman and planted seeds for what I expect will transform my lifestyle in the longer term, as I continue to integrate and draw from what I learned. Queendom has exponential value and was one of the best investments of my life.'


-Emmaline (Creative Director)

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Queendom modules



Hi, I'm Kattimoni,

I'm an Australian born, Caribbean based Songstress, Psychotherapist and Coach for conscious creative entrepreneurial women.

I'm passionate about supporting female leaders and change-makers to step into their highest potential by embracing their true feminine leadership and power.


I began training in Baladi (Traditional Egyptian Dance) from the age of 12 and also trained in various styles of dance and performance arts. As a Singer I've toured and performed at festivals, major events, TV and radio internationally and have over 15+ years experience as a Vocal Coach and Workshop Facilitator.


As a Psychotherapist I'm passionate about integrating psychology, science, spirituality and creativity into the healing process. My coaching unifies the best of both contemporary western mental health and personal development models with ancient traditional healing practices, somatic embodiment and performing arts.


In my late 20’s I set out on a mission to heal myself from PTSD and a hormonal PCOS diagnosis. I flew to Indonesia and trained in a women's temple with Devashi Shakti, the Founder of ‘Tigress Yoga’ & ‘Somatic Female Embodiment Yoga'.

After experiencing the radical transformation and miraculous healing of these practices in my own life, I began specialising in feminine leadership and developed the 'Empress' practices and the 'Queendom' program to support other women on this journey.


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🔥Introduction to Feminine Leadership and Potential


🔥Clarifying your inner VISION


🔥Mastering your mindset for success


🔥Embodying your feminine sensuality


🔥Releasing & clearing emotional blockages


🔥Sacred Menstruation – Honouring your cyclical systems


🔥Feminine Yang - Creative strategy & inspired action


🔥Manifestation - Enhancing your feminine vitality, fertility and magnetism


🔥Instincts and Alchemy - Transforming PMS into power


To any woman who is thinking of participating in Queendom..... Do it!

There is so much power in reclaiming your body. I discovered the alchemy that exists inside my womb. I learnt about the medicine that each part of the wombs cycle holds and how to harness that energy through deep questions, exercises, dancing, movement and yoga.

What I loved about Queendom was how the circle of women held

eachother so tenderly and so fiercely at the same time. I loved just how

much juicy information was readily at our fingertips. After doing

Queendom I feel hopeful. Hopeful about a future where the feminine

and masculine are balanced and leadership is lead through the heart.'


-Amber (Singer, Healer)

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Includes access to course materials and content (including the handbooks, embodiment practices) but with NO group coaching

$444 AUD


Reserve your space early and receive the Early bird discounted offer.

Available until.....

$666 AUD


Includes ALL the things

$777 AUD


Includes ALL the things


a private 1:1 coaching session with Kattimoni

$888 AUD

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